Message for the Bride…

A few days ago a friend shared a word that God had given her, and I felt it was so powerful, I asked her permission to share it here too. She was happy for it to be shared, so here it is…

“Here is a message for my bride, for the ones who will hear.  It is a message for the whole church and for those who lead them, but it is my bride who will hear and respond; it is my bride who will count the cost and make themselves ready.  It is an urgent call – for this season and what is to come.

“Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy; do not fear what they fear and do not dread it!  The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, the one you are to fear, the one you are to dread.  He will be a holy place; for both Israel and Judah he will be a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.  And for the people of Jerusalem he will be a trap and a snare…many of them will stumble, they will fall and be broken, they will be snared and captured.”  Isaiah 8:12-15

(From a dream I heard the words)  “Tell the leaders, ‘Number 10 is coming’” – this is a time of acceleration, a time that heralds the implementation of God’s order; it is a time of testing and judgement; a time for the bride to repent of rebellion and make herself ready.  This is a warning of the inevitable, a time for urgency of action.

Just as God called Israel and Judah to obedience, and both Jew and Gentile to himself in humility and holiness, so he now calls the ‘churched’ and ‘unchurched’ – the ground is level, with no distinction between them.  All are called to join the bride, to be “one whose heart is right with God.”  Romans 2:29

The credibility and positioning of the bride in the new season doesn’t just lie in the death of our structures, but in the death of each and every one to a level not seen in this generation in the Western Church.  It is the COST and the CATALYST to the movement of Holy Spirit in the coming years.

In our naivety and blindness we’ve sung songs asking God for more of His presence; to fill us to greater measure; to bend us to His will, with no idea of what we are asking for.  A deeper repentance is needed, personally and on behalf of the church and nations, for the judgement we have passed on others as Church; for our lukewarm hearts and the triviality with which we have approached God.

God has been calling out his bride from the man-made constructs of church.  In past seasons we have been permitted space to build and create, to mix and match, but through the sifting and sorting of the past two years this permission has changed.  The way the church is seen in the spiritual realms is distinct and clear – with our spiritual eyes we can see this, without, we will still see the church as the buildings, structures, labels and definitions of past seasons.  Now this season brings greater fire, greater judgement.  There is an urgency for the church to repent (or they will experience the stumbling and trapping of Isaiah 8), to focus on the secret, not public life of the bride above all else.

Here are the words of Romans 2 for this generation…

“You rely on your structures, public actions, and activity to display your relationship with Him…”   BUT   “You know what He wants, you know what is right because you have been taught His law (ways).  You are convinced that you are a guide for the blind and a light for people who are lost in darkness.  You think you can instruct the ignorant and teach children the ways of God…Well, then, if you teach others, why don’t you teach yourself?”  Romans 2:18-21

A true member of the bride is one whose heart is right with God.

See Revelation 10: “The angel with the rainbow over his head announces, “there will be no more delay” – the promises of God are accelerating and with them come blessing and judgement.

Verses 9 and 10 – The scroll is sweet to taste but sour to the stomach.  We will begin to see what we have asked for, but there is a cost.  Many will be added but others lost.”

Michelle Pratt, June 2022

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