Do Not Be Deceived

I have mentioned here before that a couple of months ago I felt in prayer that the Remnant Church were moving out of a season where the main temptation was religion, and into a season where the main weapon used against us is going to be deception. The picture I had at the start of... Continue Reading →

The Danger of Busy-ness

Lately I've become aware that the old busy-ness that used to be so rife in old-style church, seems to be creeping back in to our lives again. It's not that it's always bad to be busy, but I've been feeling really concerned about it - feeling a sense of danger around it while not fully... Continue Reading →

Come Out of Your Towers

Yesterday morning I had a dream. I've been having a lot of dreams lately, and it can take a while to sift out the random ones from the God ones - but this one I knew right away was from Him. It's just taken a while to process the significance... It was only a snapshot... Continue Reading →

Seeking God’s Heart

A couple of nights ago, I had a dream. In it I was at a Christian conference where people had been put into groups to pray together. They were gladly doing so, but I felt a restlessness with the prayers being made - they felt like shallow head-prayers: prayers that identified a need, spoke it... Continue Reading →

Invitation to a Romantic Meal

I received this word last week, and waited before posting because I didn't want it to be harsh. But I have since felt a clear conviction that I mustn't delay further to release it, so here it is - please pray and ask God what He wants to say to you through it...A month or... Continue Reading →

More of Jesus

I woke this morning with a song on my heart and a single thought in my mind.The song was "Give me Jesus", and the thought was a question: "How much of Jesus do I have?" I could leave the blog there for you to meditate on, but as I knew the question was a Holy... Continue Reading →

Carriers of Light

I'm sorry it's been a while since I last posted - there are exciting developments happening around my book (to be published in December, all being well). I now have a writer's website - link here - which has taken a lot of my focus to set up. I believe there is still a place... Continue Reading →

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