Day of Reformation

Jesus the Original Reformer It struck me this morning that today is "Reformation Sunday" - the day when certain churches celebrate the birth of the Protestant movement, catalysed by Martin Luther and his 'Ninety-five Theses'. I read a modern translation of the theses recently and was surprised to find myself questioning some of them -... Continue Reading →

Arise… and Shine! (Yes, really)

In the darkness of this past season I've been blessed with friends who I know are praying for me and my family, and I am inexpressibly thankful for that - I'm convinced it's made all the difference. But I also know some people have worried about me, which is sad. I do hope that was... Continue Reading →

This Too Shall Pass

"weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning" - Ps 30:5 One of the problems with becoming an author, is that the time period around publishing a new book becomes very busy, with not much time for blogging elsewhere. My new book - The Jesse Tree Anthology - is out, and... Continue Reading →

You Choose

Image by tunfux from Pixabay When I was in prayer this morning I saw a vision of an old industrial building: like a tower or chimney standing tall and proud, built at the height of the Industrial Revolution when everyone worshipped the idol of mass-production. There was a strong wind blowing, and this tower began to sway, until... Continue Reading →

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