Like the Pharisees

There has been much talk of revival lately - who has it, if it is the real deal, etc etc. I refuse to enter that conversation, because I dare not touch the Lord's anointed work. But it has stirred up old feelings that I used to have, of a horror of the kind of revival-chasing... Continue Reading →

Watch and Wait

In a prayer zoom last night I received a picture that made no sense at first, so I asked God to show me more, and who it was for. I don't know exactly who it was for, but I did feel that it applied to many people right now, & that I needed to share... Continue Reading →

Christ our Lighthouse…

On 9th February I was in a prophetic zoom chat when I had a sudden picture/ vision that seemed to come out of nowhere. It was brief but very clear... and left me puzzled as to what it meant.In it I saw a smallish wooden boat on a stormy sea that was heading towards a... Continue Reading →

What may be Necessary

After yesterday's post about drifting in the doldrums, I had a few people respond directly sharing that they really identified with this picture, and recognised that feeling of helpless wondering what they had done wrong to end up there, and/ or, how to get out of it. The problem with those feelings (that I absolutely... Continue Reading →

Spiritual Doldrums

Photo by Oliver Sjöström on Much of the imagery that God has been using to speak to me lately has been nautical. I believe that's because of the current season of navigating into a new and previously unexplored era - it's how He conveys that to me most clearly. Today was no exception. This... Continue Reading →

Man the Lifeboats!

Early Monday morning I had a dream that was still present with me when I awoke. In it I was teaching at a kind of summer remedial school for students who were struggling. There was a boy who was really depressed because he had got his maths worksheet back with red crosses all over it... Continue Reading →

Test Everything!

There's a phrase that I've been repeatedly hearing recently, like God is highlighting it to bring to my attention for a reason, and it's this: "but I've always been taught..." That phrase usually comes from someone rejecting a new revelation or idea on the basis of what somebody else (usually a leader) told them. When... Continue Reading →

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