Under Starter’s Orders

This morning in prayer I was chatting with God about the coming move/ outpouring/ revival that has been much prophesied. I do believe, along with many other Spirit-led people, that it is coming, and coming soon. But putting faith in those things that we have not yet (not ever) seen, and living according to promises... Continue Reading →

WARNING: Don’t Try to Go Back!

This week has been tough! Partly I think because after the intensity of a focused fast ends, it can often be a challenge to connect with what is next - but also this time I think it's been because of the ever-increasing uncertainty of the season that we're in. Since lock-down has been gradually easing,... Continue Reading →

DAY 12: The Perfume of Divinity

When we read about the year of preparation that was necessary for a royal bride in Esther 2:12, those twelve months can seem rather excessive and indulgent. A whole year is a long time for what basically amounts to a bath or shower!  But then again, not many of us have been born into royalty. ... Continue Reading →

DAY 11: The Sweet Fragrance of Christ

On this our penultimate of the fast preparing us to be the Bride of Christ, let’s look again at Eph 5: - “walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma” (Eph 5:2).  It was love for us that led Him... Continue Reading →

DAY 9: Scented with the Fruit of the Spirit

As we learned previously, the perfumed anointing oils of this six days are not about covering up bad smells, as the first six days with myrrh (symbolising death, mourning, repentance, purification & consecration) walked us through the cleansing process available to us through the blood of Jesus.  Now we are cleansed, pure, entirely acceptable in... Continue Reading →

DAY 8: A Breath of Perfume

As we saw yesterday, we may be tempted to think of ourselves in association with the smell of our old worldly life, but once we are truly born again of the Spirit, we have a new nature: cleansed, redeemed, purified and fully acceptable before God.  He has already done everything possible to deliver us from... Continue Reading →

DAY 7: A Sweet Aroma to God

Today sees the start of the second half of our 12 days of preparation. Just as Esther experienced six months of anointing with myrrh (for burial and purification) followed by six months of sweet spices and perfume (to make her a pleasing aroma to her Bridegroom-King), so we are entering our second set of six... Continue Reading →

DAY 5: Set Apart and Holy (Myrrh for Purification)

For millennia people have used myrrh in purification treatments because they found it was helpful in healing wounds, dulling pain, and slowing the rate of decay in corpses.  Modern scientists have found that myrrh is a very effective anti-bacterial agent, antioxidant and anti-parasitic treatment. Purity and cleanliness are often used interchangeably in the Bible, but... Continue Reading →

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