Praying WITH God

If you read my blog post of 11th Feb, you will know that God has been calling me - and all of us - to go "Deeper Still" into the things of the Spirit. Since then I have been experiencing something like 'deep dives' where God takes me to revisit an area of previous experience... Continue Reading →

Day of Shift & Breakthrough…

I rarely post two blog-posts on the same day - it runs too high a risk of either post being overlooked. But today is not a normal day. I shared in a prophetic group that I am part of that the way I was feeling would probably cause most people to think I had lost... Continue Reading →

Unconscious Idolatry

This past week has been an intense review for me: an innocent conversation with a minister led me to question/ examine all that has happened since God called me to step back from the organised church & to pursue His new way. As I have expressed before, I don't necessarily believe that everyone is called... Continue Reading →

Determined Weeding

I debated whether or not to share this today, as I felt it was clumsily expressed, and I didn't want to risk being discouraging. But I tried to take the more difficult parts out, and immediately felt corrected to put them back in. I believe there is God in it, so it is important to... Continue Reading →

Deeper Still

Yesterday I had the blessing of time spent (on Zoom) with a friend who carries a grace for intercession and the prophetic. We encouraged each other in what we felt the Holy Spirit was saying, and then had some time praying together (not enough time - but it never is!) As we prayed I saw... Continue Reading →

God’s Poppies

Just before I woke this morning I had a dream that left me rattled until I wrote it down and asked God to talk me through it... In my dream I was leading a church that met in an old traditional church building with pews & all, that I knew from my childhood. The people... Continue Reading →

Holding Jesus’ Fiery Gaze

Yesterday I shared how the main key to finding God's New, that is probably most important of all the hints or other keys I have received, is that we're not just journeying TO the New; the journey IS the New. It's the process that happens when we have turned our backs on the old and... Continue Reading →

The Journey IS The New

Recently I shared an encouragement from God for the Pioneers to "keep swimming". It received quite a lot of feedback in the various places it was posted and shared - including someone sending a clip of Disney-Pixar's Dory singing "just keep swimming" which made me smile!One person asked a question that I felt was really... Continue Reading →

Validation: Blessing or Curse?

Just a short one today, as a kind of personal postscript to 'Not Ministries, but Ministers"... It's no secret that I am not a trained theologian. I even include that fact at the bottom of my blog in case anyone might be tempted to think I was pretending to be something I'm not - which... Continue Reading →

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