Come and Drink!

It’s a funny season, isn’t it? I think we’re all agreed on that! And a stretching season, for sure!
In the first 2020 lockdown I lost my appetite overnight for reading most books, but especially fiction. I had always been a total bookworm so this was a surprise, but it wasn’t an act of self-denial – I just stopped being interested. Then at the beginning of this year I also lost my appetite for reading all teaching-books, listening to podcasts, watching sermon videos or prophecies etc. In short, I felt called to read the Bible and only that.
Six month later it has not changed. It’s not something I have shared with many because it feels & sounds so self-righteous, but it’s not an act of self – there’s no way I would have the strength to deny myself my books! My appetite has simply changed. My spirit is just not hungry for the revelation of others – I believe the Holy Spirit is calling me just to receive from God first-hand. And since I shared this with a few trusted friends I have discovered that I am not the only one. There are others with prophetic gifts who have been experiencing the same.

But still, it’s a risky stance – I don’t want to isolate myself or think of myself as better than others – and I don’t want to be a hypocrite, reading only God’s Word for myself but writing revelations for others to receive through me, second-hand.
And this morning I was feeling a bit vulnerable in it, especially as this past week I have had many people recommending “must-see” books and videos. I found myself questioning again if I’m being unnecessarily proud. So I took it to God and asked if I was being deceived about cutting myself off from books, sermons, public prophetic words etc. And I believe His reply was for more than just me, as you will hopefully see. What I felt Him say was this…

“It is not pride, My love – it is the response of your heart to the call of Mine. I want to show you deeper things, I want to reveal clearer truths. I am inviting you to a life even more devoted. Take care over what you read and watch, so that you are not distracted. You choose how much space to give Me to speak into. When you watch and listen to others, I am able to speak through their revelations, but it is like putting a funnel under a waterfall, focusing on just one part of what I am pouring out – one colour of the rainbow…”

As He said this I received a picture of a river, crystal clear, flowing over a bed of precious gems that sparkled and released refracted light into the water so it became like a river of rainbow light. As the water poured over the waterfall there were people underneath, dressed in white and standing in the powerful flow, using funnels to capture some of the water (one colour at a time), to carry off to share with others.
And God continued,

“When you come straight to Me without the filter of others, you receive the fullness of My flow – less filtered, more powerful, more overwhelming. It is not easy to stand in, which is why many people prefer receiving from those who have already done the filtering for them. But those who come straight to the source have access to all the other parts and colours that others do not receive, able to see more.
It’s not that the words of others are wrong, just that they are limited. By coming straight to the full force of my waterfall, it requires more effort to stand in the flow and identify different elements, but the longer you are there, the more you will see, and the greater ability you will develop to keep standing.
How I love My prophets who come to the flow and receive revelation, filtering it off to share with those who do not yet know how to stand in My flow to receive for themselves. For all those who come to Me and receive, to pass it on to the thirsty – those are My life-carriers, my children, My ministers. It is never wrong to receive true life and pass it on in a way that others can receive.
Like parent birds in a nest who receive food, partially digest it, then pass it on to their chicks in a form that they can handle – so too are those who come direct to me for Spirit-revelation and then express it in human terms for others to receive. It is good to do so, especially for the weaker ones.
But too many are old enough now to approach me for themselves and yet still insist on relying on others to do the filtering & partial digesting first. it need not be so. I have so much more of my life and revelation to pour out on my people in unlimited flow. Won’t you invite them to come direct to Me and drink? As I have invited you…

So no, beloved, it is not pride that leads you in this season to close your eyes and ears to what others are saying – it is the response of a heart seeking My pure, clear, powerful flow, first-hand. And it is not hypocrisy that leads you to pass it on to others – for you are extending my invitation to “Come and drink for yourselves” to all.

After He finished speaking I found myself wondering if it was OK to share revelations with others who aren’t just the weaker ones. For example, my prophetic friends who are all well able to receive for themselves – do I not need to share with them? I didn’t hear any further words from God, but in answer I saw another picture that told me everything I needed to know…

The scene was the same – people dressed in white, stood under the flow of the waterfall. But there was no funnelling now, just a scene of total abandonment as they revelled in the flow of the waterfall and splashed each other with joy, and I knew God was laughing with us all as we took a moment together to just enjoy His living water.

So come, let’s drink!

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