The Great Undoing

Yesterday when my husband and I were praying into the picture of Jesus doing a deep work in our hearts (with a garden fork!), he remembered a passage from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (part of the Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis). In it the boy Eustace had been transformed into a dragon... Continue Reading →

A Deep Work in Our Hearts

When I came to prayer this morning, I was praying into the refining God was talking about yesterday, and praying through some of my heart struggles (entrenched attitudes & feelings etc), and was asking God to lead me in His way. Suddenly I saw a picture, and I felt it was for me but also... Continue Reading →

Into the Wilderness

When I came to pray this morning I felt God ask me to write down His call to His Church at this time. At first I felt He was repeating the call from last year, but then remembered two things:1/ When God repeats Himself it's often because we're still missing at least part of it.2/... Continue Reading →

Called or Chosen?

Last night I dreamed I was at a church with many others, and we were all waiting for a wedding. The vicar was asking us for stories about the groom. I was concerned that my story was too old, and that although I used to know him well, I had lost touch with him in... Continue Reading →

Calling the Youth In

I mentioned yesterday that God gave me two pictures while praying. The first was the river as shared in yesterday's post. The second was clearly different but I believe is also very much part of what God is doing at this time... In the second picture I saw young people lined up alongside a crowd... Continue Reading →

“Suffer the Children”

This week my family and I entered into a season of prayer & fasting, along with some other Christians who we are connected with. Last night as I went to bed I asked God to show me the focus He wanted me to have for the fast, and as I slept I dreamt.As with other... Continue Reading →

Watch and Learn

I had a picture early last week and didn't share as it felt so brief and there was so much else going on - but as the week has progressed it hasn't left me but has grown stronger, so I'm sharing it now: In it there was a master builder creating something in wide open... Continue Reading →

Sit By the River and Weep

Earlier this week I had a dream. I didn't initially understand it when I woke up but it stayed with me all day in the way that only God-dreams do, so I kept asking Him what He wanted to say and eventually (after a brutally honest conversation with a good friend later that day) the... Continue Reading →

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