Day of Reformation

Jesus the Original Reformer

It struck me this morning that today is “Reformation Sunday” – the day when certain churches celebrate the birth of the Protestant movement, catalysed by Martin Luther and his ‘Ninety-five Theses’. I read a modern translation of the theses recently and was surprised to find myself questioning some of them – I don’t claim to be as great a scholar as Luther, but maybe he didn’t see the whole truth either?

However he does inspire me greatly. He was a man – a priest – who read his Bible (not many people had access to the Bible in those days) and recognised that the Roman Catholic Church were teaching practices that opposed the true message of salvation through Christ. So he stood up and declared the truth – published it for all to see. This wasn’t because he was by nature rebellious. Far from it, he loved the Church and just wanted her to be restored to God’s Truth. But still he felt compelled to stand and declare God’s light into the darkness of a people trapped in religion.

Over half a millennium later (506 years, to be precise), I believe we are in another “day of reformation”. Nowadays, we in the West have no shortage of Bibles. But many people do not read them. They read and listen to the words of those who preach a gospel that appeals to them. ‘If it feels good, just be true to yourself’ is the modern mantra. But the Bible is still the only true Truth that can be relied upon. It teaches us the nature of sin and shows us the only way to be set free – as true today as in Luther’s day – through Jesus Christ.

Tragically there are many mainstream churches today who have lost their way from the truth of the Bible, who bow instead to the populist message that anything goes, that we shouldn’t offend, and if we do we are guilty of hate speech. But there is a movement of reformers rising: those like Luther who will stand for truth, even if it makes them unpopular; those who speak the truth even if it means standing against mainstream church – not out of rebellion or hate, but out of love for God’s people and longing to see them restored to Christ. And yet there are many in the mainstream church who will cling to their traditions and miss the truth. Much like the religious leaders of Jesus’ day, who claimed to know, love and serve the Word of God, but failed to recognise Him when He took on flesh and dwelt among them.

Martin Luther was great, but he didn’t start the reformation. Jesus did. Remember His treatment of the money-changers? That was the most extreme example, but His who life and message was to bring true freedom from sin and empty religion. And just as Jesus’ message shook the religion of his day, so did Martin Luther’s when he stood for Christ. And so will all those who choose to speak the truth in love. Let us not be swayed by the traditions of religion, but let us examine every practice and every teaching against the unfailing truth of God’s Word. For the division occurring right now in the mainstream church is not because of rebellion, but because God is calling His people back to Him and the pure truth of His Word. Those who cling to the familiarity of empty religious practices may reject those who speak out for truth and light – but speak we must, otherwise many more will be lost to darkness.

So although I’m not often one for specific dates etc, today I do want to say “Happy Reformation Day” to all you reformers out there. Keep going: keep standing on the immovable rock of God’s Word (Matt 7:24-25); keep declaring the truth in love (Eph 4:17); keep seeking to please Him above men – even if they reject you. For great will be your reward in Heaven (Matt 5:12)! Keep your eyes fixed on Him (Heb 12:2), and keep letting His light shine through you – the world depends on it! (Is 60:1-3; Matt 5:14-16))

One thought on “Day of Reformation

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  1. Dear Sister Rachel, you are so right about todays church, needing another reformation to make it fit to be the bride of the coming Bridegroom. You are absolutely right that a thriving church is one that clings to the truth of the living word of God and NOT cling to dead church traditions. The church of today we could say, dear Rachel, is has become so earthly minded that it’s NO heavenly use!. You are absolutely right of course, that those who cling to the familiarity of empty religious practices, may reject those who speak out for truth and light – but we must speak out, otherwise many more will be lost to darkness. But those who speak out against falsehood may have to face persecution for righteousness sake in these last days. You quite rightly say that we must be the salt and light of the world for those who walk in darkness. Our reward is waiting for us in Heaven if we stand firm until the end, Hallelujah. Love and Prayer support always in HIS Majestic all Powerful name. Jim and Margery XX.


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