The Danger of Busy-ness

Lately I’ve become aware that the old busy-ness that used to be so rife in old-style church, seems to be creeping back in to our lives again. It’s not that it’s always bad to be busy, but I’ve been feeling really concerned about it – feeling a sense of danger around it while not fully understanding why.  So I asked God about it, because I didn’t just want to be over-reacting or imposing my own understanding on people – and this is what I believe He said,

“It IS dangerous, beloved.  Satan – who masquerades as light, for that is who he used to be – has made an idol of busyness in your land.  He has taken My words of wisdom about avoiding laziness, and twisted them into a rod that drives people to not rest.  You have all even forgotten my Sabbath, and nobody grieves over it.
Busy-ness is a weapon that keeps you occupied, distracted, moving so fast that you never pause or take time to ask, “Do You want me here, Lord?”, or “Where next, Father?”  it leaves you highly vulnerable to deception.
For everything that fills your time, you must have My purpose; it must carry my heart.
Parenting and investing in your relationship with your children?  That’s My heart.
Encouraging – investing in your relationship with fellow disciples?  That’s My heart.
Reaching out to connect with the lost?  That’s My heart.
But beware, for there will be works that seem to carry my heart but are really just a rod of ‘shoulds’ to drive you and keep you moving with no time for Me.
Doing things because you think you should is not My heart.
Propping up man-made organisations is not my heart – nor is establishing new ones. (Man-made organisations are falling – that season is past).
Doing what someone else is doing well is not my heart.

My dear children, please stop and re-evaluate everything in your lives right now.  You need to be absolutely sure that they are all from Me, because then when you are stretched, you will find My true grace for it all.
But if you are feeling stretched too thin; driven, with no space to stop and breathe, you have forgotten the example of my Son Jesus, Who
a) ALWAYS prioritised time alone with Me, and
b) ONLY did what He saw Me doing.

Children, pace yourselves!  Do not allow the idol of your culture to become a stronghold in your life.  And my prophets in particular need to be living examples of enforcing rest – declaring MY rest – of resisting hurry and drivenness.

When presented with a ‘good’ opportunity, do not presume My ‘yes’.  Remember, deception is all around.  Presumption is your enemy.  Do not even ask “is this OK with You, Lord” while taking steps towards it. Come to a full stop – every time – and ask “Is this You plan for me, Lord?”, and only proceed if you hear a clear “yes”.
My children, this is more serious than you realise.  This is war.  It all matters.  When you know you are in the place and role that I have called you to, you know the enemy’s weapons are powerless against you. But if you’re so busy you find yourself somewhere without a clear purpose or vision, you will be more easily taken out.  Know your calling.  Know your remit.  Then you will have confidence that I am with you there, anointing you for success and protecting you in it.
And remember: presumption is your enemy.  He walks hand in hand with deception.  Break ties with him, and embrace My purpose.  For the days are short but My purposes are eternal.

2 thoughts on “The Danger of Busy-ness

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  1. Dear Sister Rachel, what you have written is what I truly believe the Spirit of God is saying to the churches today, because they have lost their first love for the Lord Jesus – the Bridegroom. The word for todays church is this : “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. (Revelation 19:7). I believe, if the bride is so in love with Jesus, she should urgently be more concerned with getting herself ready in these end times, than playing old – style
    busy church. I would encourage you to keep putting out these blogs as it is so encouraging to me, thank you so much. Bless you always in HIS Love, Revelation and Grace. Jim XX.


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