Time to RUN!

So apparently it’s not just me – there are many others feeling a current shift in season…

And when I come to pray every morning now, it always starts with just focusing on Jesus – how awesome HE is, how victorious HIS works, how infinite and fiery HIS love. I tell you, it blows all human emotions and circumstances out of the picture… or at least, right to the unimportant periphery of my perspective. And there is so much joy and freedom in this place! Repentance as well, because when you gaze upon His holiness, His purifying fire is released to remove what is unholy, but still… it’s a place of so much power and fire and LIFE!

Last night while praying with friends I was reminded of Amos 3:7 – “The lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken [to the prophets]! Who can but prophesy?” (AMP)

More than ever I can hear in the spirit, the Lion of Judah roaring over us today, declaring “RELEASE! FREEDOM! GO!” And more than ever I feel urged to prophesy (declare forth his truth): It is for freedom that He has set us free! We are FREE in Jesus’ Name – the enemy has NO HOLD, he cannot hold us back. When the Lion roars, shackles break, ropes disintegrate… hear Him roar, and receive your freedom today in Jesus’ Name!

After my morning prayer time I took the dog for a walk, and as I walked I prayed for a friend who has been on my heart. I felt to declare over her (in the spirit – she wasn’t physically present) – “Come on, girl – it’s time to RUN!”, and felt God’s presence again confirming that this is a season for all His people to run…

And as a kind of prophetic act, I actually ran myself!

Now if you don’t know me you need to understand I am not a runner. This is not normal for me – I NEVER run! The last time I ran anywhere was when my young child pulled a hot cup of tea over himself and I yelled “get to the sink!” and ran to meet him there to get cold water on it asap, and that wasn’t a choice – it was an instinct. He is fourteen now (in a few days) so that was about six years ago. Like I said, I don’t run.

But as I ran this morning (I am sure it was not running as proper ‘runners’ would recognise it), I felt that power released as I ran, inviting God’s people to run in the spirit, however inexperienced or out of practice they may feel. I ran – only a short way – three times in succession… because I felt it needed repeating, to emphasize the call and release to run.

So it’s out there: if I can run physically, then anyone can run in the spirit. We just have to hear the call and respond. It’s time!

As I ran, I felt such joy and freedom again – it was as if I could hear shackles and chains breaking, ropes of bondage falling to the floor. When the season to run arrives, the things that used to hold us back are exposed as lies. The enemy cannot hold us back when Jesus says to run! So let’s run!

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