Don’t Leave the Ark Yet

Over the past couple of weeks God has started speaking to me about floods, starting with a sudden direction to Ps 29:10 – “The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever”. Last night I even dreamed about flooding. Now, bearing in mind I live in a town on the river Severn, and especially considering the summer storms of the last couple of days, flooding is nothing surprising; that dream in itself was not necessarily divinely inspired. But this morning I felt to press in and ask God what it all means, because it seems to be becoming a recurring theme, and I don’t want to miss anything that He’s saying.

It seems to me that the flood refers to Covid-19 and the pandemic, but if that’s all there is to it, I do wonder why God has waited until now to use the analogy. My suspicion is that it refers to Covid and more. Trusted prophets have suggested there is more coming, that may be worse. God hasn’t said anything clear to me on that yet, so I’m sharing what God has showed me so far with the caveat that I think there is more to the flood etc that I’m not yet seeing – I’d love to hear if anyone reading has further insight!

Anyway, I was praying along those lines – of the C-19 ‘flood’ that overwhelmed the world, and how even though it appears to be abating (in the UK at least, where lock-down is mostly easing), we are still figuring out how to respond as the Church: do we gather, or not gather? Whether we meet in small groups (<6) in gardens, larger groups outdoors, or indoors under heavy restrictions – different churches are responding differently, which is great, as long as they are each responding to how God is leading them. I was asking God about my church here and checking that we are not meant to be doing more than we are: how He wants us to re-build etc. I am confident that we are obeying God’s leading so far, but especially when God seems to be saying something new it’s always wise to check. And I felt He replied along the following lines (as always, this is just my attempt to express in words what He spoke to my heart):

I am still cleansing and purifying – still pruning away the old dead wood and worldly habits from My people’s hearts. Now is not the time for new growth, though it will come, as sure as seasons change.
The flood is still washing away sinful, selfish attitudes – the waters may seen to recede, but don’t try to leave the Ark of reliance on Me. Don’t try to rebuild while there is no dry & solid ground to be seen. If you remain in the ark and a second wave comes, you will be entirely unaffected. But if you get out of the ark and start trying to rebuild prematurely it will all be lost when the waters rise again – and it will be worse than the first time because of the loss of hope.
Cultivate patience and good relationships with Me and those that are in the ark with you. Don’t be in a hurry to leave this place of cocooning; this place of total reliance on My protection.

As God referred specifically to ‘Noah’s’ Ark I turned to Genesis 6-8, and asked God to speak to me through it. Here are a few things that He showed me:

The flood symbolises the destruction of sin, washing the world clean and baptising us into a fresh start, or a new era. It was sent to reveal salvation and deliverance to those who will hear and respond to God’s Word (Jesus). It was sent to reveal God’s power and holiness. It was sent to prepare the way for revival.

The Ark was a place of refuge and deliverance. It was a place where God’s covenant was established. It was a picture/ type of Christ in many ways, but particularly in that only those in Him will live. It was a place for the remnant to gather and be carried into their destiny. It was a place where those within learned to depend entirely upon His faithfulness, and it was a place of dwelling with and in Him.

Noah and His family were in the ark for a year and ten days, according to Gen 7:11 (starting on the 17th day of the second month) and Gen 8:14 (ending on 27th day of the second month the following year). People sometimes balk at the idea of being locked up for forty days and nights, but the time spent waiting for the flood to recede was over eight times longer than the 40 days and nights it took for the flood to rise and cover the earth! Talk about needing patience!

And the message I was hearing from God this morning was basically that: be patient. It’s not time to get off the ark yet – it’s not time to start trying to build and establish the new. I do believe the season has changed since the start of lock-down: the initial deluge has stopped and things seem to be receding. It may be that there is more rain to come – I don’t know – but I do know we need to stay on the ark; stay in this place of learning patience and relying on God’s faithfulness; stay in this place of learning what it means to truly be family. I think we all now know that we can’t go back – what used to be has been washed away by the flood. But let’s not be impatient to jump ship and start trying to rebuild. It’s not time yet, and therefore would only result in further (unnecessary) destruction.

So let’s not resist, complain, or be impatient to leave this season on the ark. He is a good God, His plans for us are good, and He knows what He’s doing. Amen!

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