The Roar of The Lion

While worshipping, I received a picture of a lion roaring. The lion was Jesus.

As He roared, the sun rose behind Him, and His roar ignited flames of fire on those who had been watching and waiting for Him.

He said that the power of his roar and the rising sun were the long-awaited ‘new season of outpouring’, and that it was happening as a result of something hidden…

And I saw individuals in secret, dark places, pouring out their hearts to Him when co-one else could see; that many had been through dark and difficult times when all they could do was place their hope and trust in the One they were waiting for – and it was those individual sacrifices of trust in the hidden, secret places that had ushered in the golden, powerful roar of the new season when the faith that had been hidden will bear much visible fruit.

Sometimes the faith that God receives as most valuable is simply the trust of a broken person when all else is gone. That faith has power to break through into new seasons of hope and power

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